Creator & Concept

Jeff Monroe is the creator of the MY MODEL BODY® program. He is an All-American athlete that has been a personal trainer for over 30 years. Jeff has traveled the world for his services and continues to be a nationally accredited, certified group fitness instructor, personal trainer and nutritional specialist. He uses his years of experience to train men and women that want to look and feel their best. He gives them the education along with the tools and techniques required to reach their individual goals. Achieving health and fitness success by guiding them to find their own model body.
Jeff is a very passionate and friendly guy. He wants everyone to enjoy their time training with his exercise game. Which is why he created this inspiring, non-intimidating way to workout. His tag line speaks for its self: FIND IT. KEEP IT. LOVE IT. Take action and challenge yourself to look and feel healthy. Be happy with who you are, respect yourself, and be proud for maintaining your best body. Confidence embodies strength, both mental and physical, so embrace it.
Jeff developed the MY MODEL BODY program in 2013. His concept was derived shortly after the birth of his first child, Major Monroe. He quickly realized that his “gym time” to stay in shape was being compromised with his newly crowned daddy duties. While the joys of full-time parenthood were awesome, Jeff knew he and his wife needed to schedule time for themselves to maintain their healthy lifestyle. This is when he put his years of physical fitness experience to work to create an exercise game where participants learn to train outside of a gym. No more excuses! This 20-week progression plan allows adults and youth the opportunity to achieve their best bodies. The ideal type of body that balances mental and physical toughness.
The MY MODEL BODY® Exercise Game is a full body workout that is efficient and effective. The routines can be done anywhere at any time utilizing great time management skills. A fun way to stay lean and toned due to the different functional movements incorporated with specific time limits. Most importantly, Jeff’s fitness game promotes positivity and celebrates diversity. Any fitness level can play and advance with little to no risk of injury. Individuals from all walks of life will improve their overall health and athletic ability, showing proof that his bodyweight routine works! Best of all, Jeff’s proven formula for athletic success will help other parents and their children get in peak performance shape to accomplish their ultimate goals in sports.